STOXX Limited Announces Changes to its Blue-Chip Index Series

Zurich, September 1, 2003 – STOXX Limited today announced the results of the regular annual review of the Dow Jones EURO STOXX 50, Dow Jones STOXX 50 and Dow Jones Nordic 30 blue chip indexes. The changes will be effective on September 22, 2003.
The following company will join the Dow Jones EURO STOXX 50: Iberdrola (Spain, Utilities). The company exiting the index is: Bayerische Hypo & Vereinsbank (Germany, Banks).
The following 2 components will be added to the Dow Jones STOXX 50: Anglo American (UK, Basic Resources) and SAP (Germany, Technology). Components exiting the index are: Münchener Rückversicherung (Germany, Insurance) and Prudential (UK, Insurance).
There is no component change in the Dow Jones Nordic 30 index.
Changes are being announced today after the conclusion of a regular annual component review. The review is based on the blue-chip rules published on the STOXX web site using the September 2003 blue-chip selection lists. The selection lists are based on the stocks in the corresponding Dow Jones STOXX 600 index, Dow Jones EURO STOXX index, Dow Jones STOXX Nordic index and their free float market capitalization as of August 29, 2003.