Essential skills for an SAP CRM consultant

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an essential element within any company, least of all within the business of SAP. Learning and mastering SAP CRM can help you secure a job in SAP and give you a professional advantage.
SAP CRM helps businesses connect with their customers by providing a single point of contact. When a customer contacts a company, they will receive all their information from one independent source, enhancing their relationship with the business.
Here is our guide to the skills you’ll need to pursue a career in SAP CRM:
Knowledge and experience of CRM Systems
In order to secure a job working in SAP CRM, you’ll need to have experience in working with a variety of different CRM systems. You’ll need to prove that you’re able to record, track and report on essential customer information and understand how this data can be used to help grow a business.
As an SAP CRM expert, you’ll need to be tech savvy as well as customer-focused as Customer Management Systems combine business processes with technology in order to streamline operations and make data reporting easy. Of course, every CRM system is different so you’ll need to show that you’re adaptable enough to turn your hand to using SAP CRM systems if you don’t already have experience using the software.
Project management and organisational skills
In order to work in SAP CRM, you’ll need to have experience being involved in project management campaigns. This usually means working as part of a team in order to implement a new business campaign or a product or service launch. You’ll need to have clear communications skills and technical capabilities to back up the tasks assigned to you.
Having experience using the following tools will also be an advantage when applying for SAP CRM jobs:
- Financial spreadsheets. In an SAP environment, you’ll be dealing with profits and expenditures on a daily basis, so you’ll need to have a good understanding of budgets and invoicing.
- Campaign strategy plans. Being able to provide evidence of having worked to deadlines and provided customer support will greatly benefit your SAP application.
- Work schedules. Experience in using work scheduling software will certainly be an advantage when it comes to using SAP CRM systems.
- Calendars. As an SAP CRM expert, you’ll be expected to keep track of meeting dates, milestones and project deadlines.
SAP CRM data analysis skills
Being able to record data accurately is one thing but being able to draw conclusions from data sets and spot business trends is another story. Analytical skills are essential in Customer Relationship Management as they enable you to improve the customer experience. If you have proven experience of data analysis, then companies will be more likely to see you as being valuable to them. A SAP CRM expert with the ability to understand and manipulate business data will ultimately help a company grow in the long term.
As the UK’s leading SAP recruitment agency, we keep up to date with all the latest SAP CRM jobs. To find out more about what we have available at the moment, please send us your CV and cover letter to or contact us by phone at +44 (0) 1206 212101 and one of our team will be happy to discuss your requirements.