Our list of the best online SAP resources for learning and development

Keep up to date with SAP technologies. Here you’ll find our recommended online resources for learning and development for beginner, intermediate and experienced levels.

Find and explore:

SAP communities

SAP Community Network

The official SAP user community has nearly 450 specialist sub-groups and gets millions of visitors per month. If you’re not registered there, you should be!

SAP IT Toolbox

An active community of SAP users, covering question and answers, blogs, discussions and whitepapers.

S Techies

A large site with some sections more active than others. Here you’ll find SAP tutorials, forums, SAP jobs, training recommendations, SAP news and career guidance.


You will find subreddits covering nearly any topic you care to mention. Here are a few SAP-related ones you might find useful, some are more active than others.

SAP blogs

Whitehall SAP blogs

Read about real-world use of SAP software, S/4HANA, industry news and what it’s like to be an SAP consultant around the world.

SAP Blogs

Blogs by SAP consultants covering everything from the company, events and detailed technical posts.


The blog of the UK and Ireland SAP User Group. Articles on the UKISUG and SAP-related news and industry updates..

Digitalist Magazine, by SAP

Available on the web, the App Store or Google Play, Digitalist Magazine covers the digital economy, the future of work, the Internet of Things and digital supply chains. The articles are all high-level but are written by the thought leaders in SAP and give an indication of where the technology might be moving.


A collection of the top 60 SAP blogs.

Learning SAP


openSAP is a portal for free SAP courses open to the public. The courses are entirely online, available from any device, and consist of video/written content and submitted assignments.

SAP Training

The official SAP certification and accreditation hub.


SAP tutorials, tips and training content.

SAP Podcasts

SAP Radio

A broad spectrum of high-level SAP topics from industry leaders brought to you by SAP.

SAP Career Trends

A podcast by SAP consultant and author Jon Reed. The podcast is available through iTunes or TuneIn.

SAPinsider podcast

All SAP topics covered, from technical to compliance.

SAP books

SAP Press

The most active publisher of SAP books. There are titles available covering programming, administration, all the SAP modules as well as IT management books.


SAP groups on Linkedin

There are dozens of SAP groups on LinkedIn. The quality of these will vary depending on how and if they are moderated. Search Linkedin (and filter for ‘Groups’) to find a specific niche you are interested in.

SAP Community, 340,000 members.

SAP Basis Consultants, 30,000 members.

SAP FICO Consultants, 25,000 members.

Global SuccessFactors and SAP Community, 20,000 members.

Whilst you’re on Linkedin, you should probably follow the company to keep up to date with SAP news:

SAP company page, 850,000 followers.

SAP help

SAP Help

The central place for SAP documentation, release notes, installation and configuration guides and more!

SAPinsider Q&As

Question and answer sessions with experienced SAP consultants and in-depth technical SAP topics are covered every few weeks.

SAP Videos/Webinars

SCN Webinars

The SAP Community Network has an active webinar section with content covering a broad range of topics including digital transformation, integration, software demos and webinars showcasing businesses run on SAP.

SAP Webinars

The SAP events website lists in-person as well as online (webinar) events. You can search previous and upcoming webinars using the filters and find content covering high-level SAP topics, down to the nitty gritty of various modules. There are webinars in a variety of languages.

UKISUP Webinars

The UK and Ireland SAP User Group list several webinars per month. If you flip to calendar view, you are able to browse to previous webinars. Members only.


Videos you find on Youtube will obviously vary wildly in quality, and will also date quickly. Having said that, there are more than a few channels you can subscribe to.  It’s worth searching for module or niche-specific channels that might be of interest to you. Here are just a few:

SAP Technology

SAP Small Business

SAP BusinessObjects Analytics

SAP Internet of Things

SAP SuccessFactors

SAP Events/networking

UK & Ireland SAP User Group

The UKISUG comprises 500 organisations and 4000 members. For paying members, the UKISUG offers over 100 events per year.

SAP Events (official)

All the official SAP events are listed here: premier, solution, industry, corporate, and support events. You can filter based on location, event type, language and dates.

SAP must-attend events

The list of the SAP events you cannot miss!

SAP Twitter accounts 

There are countless accounts of SAP specialists, but you will that most also tweet a lot more personal information rather than anything you might find useful. The accounts below are all either company or community-related.


SAP Community Network:

SAP news:

SAP Social Software

SAP 4 Good


SAP Education


SAP Retail

SCN Blogs

SAP Mobile

SAP Digital Business Services


SAP Analytics


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ch möchte Ihnen ganz herzlich für 2 Jahre der Zusammenarbeit mit mir und meinem Unternehmen danken.

ch habe ihre Berater immer als professionell, sachkundig und vor allem als zuverlässig hinsichtlich aller vereinbarten Zeitpläne erlebt, trotz herausfordernder Umstände.

Whitehall ist reaktionsschnell, flexibel und schlägt hochqualifizierte Kandidaten vor, die in unser Budget und unsere Projektzeitpläne passen.

Die Einstellung, die Beziehung und die Qualität der Dienstleistungen heben euch definitiv von anderen Anbietern ab.

Sie blieben stets eng bei uns, um sicherzustellen, dass alle Bedürfnisse erfasst wurden und wir vorausschauend dachten.

"Die Kandidaten sind immer hervorragend für die Position geeignet und werden zu Preisen gesichert, die unter dem Marktdurchschnitt liegen."

Der Prozess wurde von George vereinfacht, der sowohl die Bedürfnisse der Kunden verstand.

Tomasz war marktkenntnisreich und hat gründlich Informationen über die Rolle gesammelt, bevor er mit der Suche begann.

"Die Effizienz und Geschwindigkeit der Lieferung sind hervorragend.

Whitehall bietet verschiedene Dienstleistungen und Ressourcen, um den Übergang vom Vorstellungsgespräch zur Einarbeitung so reibungslos wie möglich zu gestalten.

"Unsere Zusammenarbeit mit Whitehall Resources hat sich als entscheidend erwiesen, um unseren globalen Bedarf an SAP-Consultants zu decken.