Five SAP Podcasts for 2021

If you want to keep up to date with the latest SAP news, developments and innovations, then podcasts are a great way to do this. There are a number of excellent SAP podcasts available, and here we will look at five that you may want to follow.

SAP Experts Podcast

Probably one of the most popular SAP podcasts currently, and it’s not surprising when you have a listen. SAP S/4HANA advisor, speaker, and thought leader Alexander Greb is your host, and each episode looks to deconstruct all the strategy, innovation and best practices from the world of enterprise applications. Each episode features leading experts and innovators discussing key SAP topics.

SAP Experts

Inside SAP S/4HANA

This official SAP S/4 HANA podcast provides the unique knowledge and expertise of SAP S/4HANA product experts, partners and customers to address your needs by sharing product insights and project best practices. If you are currently working on a S/4 HANA project or are looking to undertake a new one, this podcast will provide you with advice and insights from the best experts. A recurring guest is Sven Denecken, COO of SAP and Head of Product Success, sharing his knowledge and key elements of the SAP S/4HANA leadership vision.

Inside SAP

openSAP Invites

If you’re looking to learn more about the world of SAP, then this podcast could be for you. Focusing more on the learning culture, the episodes interview instructors to uncover their own learning habits, discuss their courses, and ask them for additional learning recommendations.


SAP Cloud Platform Podcast

Designed to keep listeners up to date with what is going on with the SAP Cloud Platform. The episodes provide regular updates on what is new in the world of SAP Cloud. It also covers all technical aspects of the platform with guest speakers providing insights on topics such as pricing updates, best practices and success stories from customers and partners.

Cloud Platform Podcast

SAP Community Report

This podcast is designed to capture the thoughts and ideas of community members around the world crossing multiple topics. Episodes feature spotlight interviews with SAP influencers, champions, and community members. This is a good way to improve your own SAP network and gain insights from SAP colleagues around the world.

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