
CSV Expert – German-speaking

Ref: BBBH63234_1741188801

CSV Expert – German-speaking

As a part of a collaboration with our German client, Whitehall Resources are currently looking for a German-speaking CSV expert. Ideally, this would be a very experienced candidate who is a ready to hit-the-ground running with their next project, who has in-depth knowledge and is able to work in a consultative manner.

Key Responsibilities:
* Develop and maintain CSV policies, procedures, and documentation.
* Plan, execute, and document validation protocols for software applications and computer systems ie ERP systems ( BC / SAP )
* Collaborate with IT and quality teams to ensure system compliance with regulatory requirements.
* Identify and mitigate validation issues and discrepancies.
* Manage risk assessments and maintain documentation throughout the validation process.
* Stay up-to-date with industry regulations and emerging trends in CSV.
* Provide training and guidance to staff on CSV practices and standards.
* Participate in internal and external audits related to CSV

Further information:
* Location: Remote; willingness to travel on-site is advantageous (site locations TBC)
* Languages: German and English
* Start date: ASAP
* Duration: up to 12 months+

Whitehall Resources are leading ERP Recruitment specialist in the provision of SAP, Oracle & IT recruitment in the UK and Internationally

All of our opportunities require that applicants are eligible to work in the specified country/location, unless otherwise stated in the job description.

Whitehall Resources are an equal opportunities employer who value a diverse and inclusive working environment. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, pregnancy, disability, age, veteran status, or other characteristics.

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    Chris Mcquitty
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    Whitehall تستجيب بسرعة، مرنة، وتقترح مرشحين عاليي الجودة يتناسبون مع ميزانياتنا والجداول الزمنية لمشاريعنا.

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    المرشحون دائمًا ما يكونون مناسبين بشكل ممتاز للمنصب ويتم تأمينهم بأسعار أقل من متوسط السوق.

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    لقد أثبت تعاوننا مع Whitehall Resources أنه أساسي في تلبية احتياجاتنا العالمية في توفير مستشاري SAP.