
Project Manager – Salesforce

Ref: BBBH63020_1739465104
Hybrid-remote in Éire

Project Manager – Salesforce.

Whitehall Resources are currently looking for a Project Manager – Salesforce.

Key Requirements:

– As a Senior IT Project Manager, you will manage projects to ensure delivery to defined scope, on time, within budget and to customer satisfaction.
– You are responsible for all phases of the Solution Development Life Cycle (SDLC) namely planning, requirements definition, design, development, testing, deployment and transition to postimplementation support.
– You will be the central point of contact for all project stakeholders including internal customers, business relationship managers, architects, suppliers, operations, and infrastructure teams.
– Deliver projects on time, on-budget, to agreed quality with appropriate transparency of issues across vendors, business clients, and IT.
– Plan and assign work to project team and maintain oversight of progress and work execution.
– Track and manage project budgets.
– Work with the appropriate IT and business resources to make recommendations regarding project delivery and implementation approaches which minimise risk whilst meeting project timeline and cost objectives.
– Keep all stakeholders well informed of progress. Obtain sufficient information to make well informed and substantiated decisions.
– Be at ease with establishing and maintaining strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
– Implement and manage risk and issue controls, own and drive resolution of project issues via engagement of with ITEs, Enterprise Architecture, business, IT and supplier teams as necessary.
– Execute all processes and procedures necessary for managing and prioritizing project delivery and budgets, ensuring adherence to the PMO methodology and governance guidelines.
– Assess and verify solution designs for scope, cost, timing and milestone commitments.
– Operate as primary point of contact with vendors and colleagues for day to-day interactions on solution delivery.
– Coordinate and/or support of systems retirements associated with solution implementation.
– Ensure compliance with release management and change management practices.

Key Experience:

– Graduate or post -graduate qualification in STEAM subject.
– PMP, PRINCE 2, APM, SAFE or similar qualification in project management / software delivery.
– 10+ years of relevant IT project management experience across the full project lifecycle.
– Experienced in the full Software Delivery Lifecycle and large-scale systems implementation.
– Functional domain experience relative to IT projects in Sales, Engineering, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Supply Chain in an automotive, industrials or electronics industry setting is desirable.
– Experience in delivering any of the following capabilities is desirable: Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Data Governance, Teradata, Informatica, SAP or other ERP systems, CLM, Salesforce, MAP.

Key Skills:

– Be Strategic: Proven strategic thinking; plan adopting future intelligence to break down barriers.
– Be a Leader: Visionary leadership, understanding the downstream impact of your decisions.
– Be Curious: Explore your curiosity, challenging the status quo.
– Be Accountable: hold yourself and team to critical deadlines and commitments.
– Be Influential: Communicate a compelling and inspired vision or purpose for the project to motivate and onboard the team. Articulate and present to all layers of management.
– Be Proactive: Clear mindset, anticipating and developing strategies for future consequences and trends, also mitigate risks to cost, scope, schedule and customer satisfaction.
– Be Results Driven: Dedication to meeting the expectations and requirements of internal and external customers.
– Be Adaptable: Cope with change and work effectively without having the total picture.
– Be Organized: Know how to organize people and activities into an efficient workflow.
– Be a Problem Solver: Solve difficult problems with effective solutions using rigorous logic and methods.
– Be Transparent: Provide direct, complete, and “actionable” positive and corrective feedback to others, being upfront and transparent to how you conduct business.

All of our opportunities require that applicants are eligible to work in the specified country/location, unless otherwise stated in the job description.

Whitehall Resources are an equal opportunities employer who value a diverse and inclusive working environment. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, pregnancy, disability, age, veteran status, or other characteristics.

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    Whitehall تستجيب بسرعة، مرنة، وتقترح مرشحين عاليي الجودة يتناسبون مع ميزانياتنا والجداول الزمنية لمشاريعنا.

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    المرشحون دائمًا ما يكونون مناسبين بشكل ممتاز للمنصب ويتم تأمينهم بأسعار أقل من متوسط السوق.

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    لقد أثبت تعاوننا مع Whitehall Resources أنه أساسي في تلبية احتياجاتنا العالمية في توفير مستشاري SAP.