
SAP FI/CO Consultant – CFIN

Ref: BBBH63134_1740408089

SAP FI-CO Consultant – CFIN

Whitehall Resources currently require an experienced SAP FICO Consultant to work with a key client

Job Description:
– Responsible for ‘keeping the lights on’ for all the critical Finance global & local reporting solutions. Apply data, analytics, process, and object expertise to support interim state and S/4 design, acting as an integral part of the Data and Analytics design team, considering both business process and analytics requirements.
– Gain understanding and insights, very rapidly, of the complex financial landscape, financial data flows and data models that will get impacted during each deployment phase of the program.
– Own relationship with various Finance groups like Finance Data, R2R Enterprise Process Owners & Leads, FI Analytics teams and IT teams to understand the S/4 HANA Target State and likewise interact with the BAU GBS business and FDH IT groups for the As-IS estate. Through this collaboration understand the impact of the new data definition and design on Finance Analytics in areas of Management reporting, Statutory reporting, Group reporting etc.
– Influence Enterprise Process Owners, Global Business Process Owners and the Finance business communities to transform from old ways of mindset into the way and where and when appropriate move or use analytics.
– Provide, as a Solution architect, direction and guidance in designing, building, and adjusting the Interim State strategy during the various phases of S/4 HANA transformation program. The solution framework should be global in nature and at the same time allow for flexibility for localization remediation.
– Drive and participate SIPOC deliverables (User stories, KDD, detailed working sessions etc.) for Design Workshops for Interim State along with Localization workshops.
– Align with PMO, BAU units and stakeholders to map out interim state remediation timelines aligning to and schedules. Perform readiness checks for test data quality, data volume, lower environment landscape, UAT readiness etc. for all deployment schedules.
– Constantly monitor and evaluate risks in provided solutions, timelines, and remediation (build) and collaborate with the Interim State teams on ways to mitigate the risk via technology, process, or ways of working.
– Analyze impact of other in-flight projects or proposed projects or mergers and acquisitions on the interim state strategy and remediation plans. Should be able to provide guidance for adjusting the then in place interim state strategy to the constantly changing ecosystem during the implementation.
– Evaluate issues after post go-live and propose solutions, work arounds, mechanism to avoid similar issues for future go-lives.
– Be comfortable to work in a fast-paced, dynamic & matrixed environment and be capable of achieving results often on short timelines.

Essential Requirements:
* 20+ years of experience in SAP Finance projects.
* Two or more full life-cycle S/4 HANA implementations and several ECC implementations. Experience in managing interim state for Finance in at least one of these implementations and / or integration resulting from M&A or Divestitures.
* Experience in implementing SAP CFIN.
* Deep functional expertise in SAP S/4 HANA FI and/or CO.
* Expertise in one or more areas of Record to Report, Financial Master data, enterprise structure, product costing, material ledger, group reporting, value chains, intercompany processes etc.
* Experience and knowledge of Parallel Ledger, Financial close, Reconciliation process, Document split, profit center accounting, new asset account etc. both in S/4 HANA and ECC. Additionally, is a subject matter expert in differences in S/4 HANA vs ECC in FI/Co Module functionalities.
* Experience and knowledge of Analytics tools and Data Warehouses like PowerBI, Qlik, Azure Data lake, Snowflake, SAP B4H, SAP Analytics Cloud etc.
* Bachelor’s or master’s degree in finance or accounting.

Preferred Qualifications:
* Experience or knowledge in FP&A tools like Hyperion, SAC Planning, Anaplan etc.
* Experience in newer Finance modules or concepts of S/4 HANA. For instance, PaPM, UPA etc
* Integration of Finance with other Lines of Business, for instance Logistics, Inventory Management, Operations planning, Supply Chain, Manufacturing etc.
* Lifesciences or Healthcare industry experience.

All of our opportunities require that applicants are eligible to work in the specified country/location, unless otherwise stated in the job description.

Whitehall Resources are an equal opportunities employer who value a diverse and inclusive working environment. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, pregnancy, disability, age, veteran status, or other characteristics.

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    Your SAP Specialist

    Matt Wadling
    Senior Team Lead | Key Accounts Contract Team

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