
SAP Strategic Alliance Director

Ref: BBBH63150_1740481473

SAP Strategic Alliance Director – German Speaking

SAP Strategic Alliance Director is required ASAP for a permanent engagement with one our leading clients.

Job details:

  • Looking for a resource with 10+ years of experience in sales or the ecosystem team at SAP or one of the prominent System Integrators in the EMEA region. Must have personal contacts in the region with SAP sellers and understand the GTM motions when SAP engages with SI’s to sell, build the proper solution, and deliver implementations.
  • The candidate must be based in the Walldorf, Mannheim, and Heidelberg area and able to spend time each week at SAP. They should use Mannheim as their official office.
  • The job is to actively manage and enable existing strategic partners in the EMEA, MEE, UKI, and Nordic regions in their RISE/S4 GTM sales plays and be able to position us in pursuits that require our solutions. Job is responsible for getting all proper paperwork signed (NDAs, MSAs) to allow for effective partnerships and adequate revenue recognition
  • The candidate will actively work with the Regional Vice President of Sales and the team to identify new partners in the region that will help get the company engaged in active deal cycles.
  • Actively work with SAP and Strategic Partners to identify specific events where we can showcase the companies capabilities and connect with SAP customers
  • Help the Regional VP of Sales and the team get engaged in as many active SAP/Partner deals as possible and work with these partners to make sure the company is properly positioned as a valuable addition to partners’ overall offering

Other details:

  • Location: Remote + Germany
  • Start: ASAP
  • Duration: Permanent / Full Time
  • Salary: Best € Available

Whitehall Resources are leading ERP Recruitment specialist in the provision of SAP, Oracle & IT recruitment in the UK and Internationally

All of our opportunities require that applicants are eligible to work in the specified country/location, unless otherwise stated in the job description.

Whitehall Resources are an equal opportunities employer who value a diverse and inclusive working environment. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, pregnancy, disability, age, veteran status, or other characteristics.

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    Your SAP Specialist

    Charlie Fletcher
    Consultant | DACH SAP Team

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