
SAP Warranty Expert – German speaker

Ref: BBBH63120_1740152168
Frankfurt am Main (60488), Hessen

SAP S/4 HANA Warranty Claim Processing Consultant – German Speaker

We are looking for an experienced German speaking SAP Warranty Claim Processing (WTY) Consultant to support a large-scale Fit-to-Standard (F2S) project. This role requires a deep understanding of SAP WTY processes, strong analytic skills, and experience facilitating workshops to align customer requirements with SAP solutions.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Support the Fit-to-Standard (F2S) phase for SAP Warranty Claim Processing (WTY).
  • Analyse and assess the customer’s existing warranty claim processes.
  • Estimate SAP efforts required for the F2S-phase in SAP WTY.
  • Plan, execute, and follow up on F2S workshops for SAP WTY.
  • Align with other SAP consultants to ensure seamless coverage of customer processes.
  • Work with processes including:
  • Identifying, processing, and handling warranty cases.
  • Defining rules for warranty cases and liability for defects.


  • Strong experience in SAP Warranty Claim Processing (WTY).
  • German speaker
  • Proven track record in Fit-to-Standard (F2S) analysis and workshops.
  • Ability to analyse detailed process documents and estimate effort for implementation.
  • Experience working in SAP implementation projects within large organisation.
  • Excellent communication and stakeholder management skills.

Project Details:

  • Project Phase: Fit-to-Standard (F2S)
  • Estimated Duration: 15+ days

If you have expertise in SAP WTY and experience in Fit-to-Standard processes, we’d love to hear from you. Please reach out to discuss further!

Whitehall Resources is acting as an Employment Business in relation to this vacancy.

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